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Significantly more cancer cases after mRNA gene therapy vaccines against Covid-19.

By Jeanne Rungby, specialist doctor


An extensive peer-reviewed study covering 123 million Japanese people has just been published in the scientific journal Cureus on 8 April 2024.

A group of researchers in Japan wanted to investigate how mortality in the different age groups developed during the pandemic (2020-2022). At the same time, they assessed whether there was a connection between the occurrence of different types of cancer, mortality, Covid-19 and the mRNA vaccines.

Official statistics of observed age-adjusted mortality from Japan were used to compare with the expected mortality based on pre-pandemic (2010–2019) data.

No significant excess mortality was observed during the first year of the pandemic (2020), whereas increased excess mortality was observed in 2021 and in 2022 excess mortality exceeded the 95% percentile (statistically significant). Furthermore, an increase in cancer deaths was observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses. Statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates for all cancers and some specific types of cancer, namely ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic and breast cancer, were observed in 2022 after two-thirds of the Japanese population received the third or later dose of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine. These particularly marked increases in mortality rates for these ERα-sensitive ( estrogen receptor alpha ) cancers may be attributable to multiple mechanisms of the mRNA-LNP vaccination rather than to the COVID-19 infection itself or reduced cancer care due to the shutdown.

The significance of this association with ERα-sensitive cancers requires further investigation.

The age-related excess mortality for the four cancers with the most deaths (lung cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer and liver cancer) showed a decreasing trend until the first year of the pandemic in 2020, but the rate of decline slowed in 2021 and 2022.

Approx. 80% of Japan's population has received one or more of the genetic vaccines. Some are on the 7th dose.

This study discusses many possible explanations for these increases in age-adjusted cancer death rates.


The authors conclude that there is a statistical correlation between the genetic vaccines and a number of the mentioned cancers.

The full article can be read here.


The Minister of Health's position on the built-in risk of cancer with these genetic vaccines.

In November 2023 and again in February 2024, respectively, I have asked Minister of Health Sophie Løhde a number of questions.

The background to the questions, which can be seen HERE (letter no. 1) and HERE and HERE (letter no. 2, English and Danish, abbreviated), was that independent researchers had found that the mRNA vaccines were contaminated with undeclared substances that should not be there. These are plasmid DNA from coli bacteria and parts of the Simian Virus, SV40, which is known to provoke cancer.

At the same time, this finding revealed that the manufacturing method for mass production of these genetic vaccines was completely different from the method that had been communicated to vaccinators and the population (see HERE) . The method used for mass production has never gone through clinical lottery trials, as claimed in the Danish Health Authority's information leaflet, which is detailed in letter no. 2. Our authorities have thus misinformed the public.

The following questions to the Minister of Health were asked specifically regarding the cancer risk of the mRNA vaccines:

1. Will you take measures to enable examination of all cancer tissue for SV40?

2. Can you guarantee tissue in public and private laboratory biobanks, including forensic institutes, will not be destroyed for the next 10-50 years, as it could potentially represent valuable material for understanding the effects of these vaccines.

3. Will you take steps to investigate whether there is a link between the vaccines and both cancer and unexpected deaths in the months/years following these injections?

4. Has there been an increased incidence of different types of cancer in the Danish population in different age groups since the vaccination campaign for Covid-19 was started? Data base wanted?


I received the following response:

The Minister answers the following through the Danish Medicines Agency (selected statements):

"It is correct that the DNA plasmid used in Pfizer's vaccine contains a very small "section" of an SV40 virus. It must be emphasized that there is a big difference between a small "section" of a virus and a whole virus. If you have the entire genetic code of SV40 virus, or the virus itself, there is speculation that it will be able to damage our DNA, but it is only a very small part of the total SV40 virus material that is in the DNA plasmid ( in which the code for the spike protein is inserted). It is unlikely that the SV40 fragments used in Pfizer's plasmid can in any way behave like the full SV40 virus, and these fragments of SV40 therefore pose no risk of developing cancer, nor will they be able to insert change in the human genome. This means there is no risk of inheritance to the next generation either.”

Notice that the Danish Medicines Agency/Minister of Health here claims that the small section of SV40 found in the plasmid DNA in the vaccines cannot damage our DNA because it is not a whole virus. This is direct misinformation, as it is precisely this small section of the Simian Virus, SV40, of 72 base pairs and not the entire Simian virus, which is used in gene therapy to pull DNA all the way into the cell nuclei, so that mutations are created. The risk of cancer is therefore very present.

The DNA sequences as well as SV40 fragments found in the vaccine have been produced by enzymatic cleavage of DNA and can be of different lengths. They are probably predominantly short sequences, but despite their size they can have major consequences depending on where they are randomly incorporated into the genome (read the full explanation in letter no. 2).

According to Speicher et al, who are one of the groups of independent researchers who had discovered the contamination in the mRNA vaccines, it is not an insignificantly small sample of SV40 that they have found in the vaccines studied. This part of SV40 (the cut), also called the SV40 enhancer/promoter, forms a signal to draw DNA into the cell nuclei, incorporate it into the genome and initiate reading of the DNA, which precisely leads to the human genome being changed. It is thus hard to talk about when the Danish Medicines Agency claims that it is only the entire Simian virus and not the small part of the Simian virus, SV40, that poses a risk of cancer.

The full answer can be read (1st answer)


It must also be emphasized that it is clear from Pfizer's application to the EMA that no genotoxic studies have been carried out. Since the European authority laboratories or national laboratories have not carried out genotoxic studies either, which is admitted in the Minister of Health's 2nd reply, the scrutiny has thus not taken place before the vaccines were given to the Danes.


Professor Dean from the University of Rochester explains the following about SV40:


We have demonstrated that portions of the 72 bp SV40 enhancer are required for the nuclear entry of plasmid DNA in all eukaryotic cells tested to date; plasmids not containing this sequence remain in the cytoplasm until cell division, whereas plasmids containing the enhancer migrate to the nucleus within several hours. These results demonstrate that transport of DNA into the nucleus is sequence-specific.... these sequences act in living animals as they do in cultured cells .”



Dean also describes the method to test whether plasmid DNA reaches the cell nuclei using fluorescently labeled plasmid DNA (integration study) . In this way, it can be seen whether plasmid DNA reaches the cell nuclei in non-dividing cells. If this is the case, it may be a matter of genome-altering substances.

It is precisely this so-called integration study on cancer tissue that the Minister of Health will not initiate to clarify whether the genetic vaccines have caused cancer. All cancer tissue from the living and the dead is in the biobanks, ready to be examined, unless the Health Authorities have ordered the destruction of the evidence.

The FDA (the American Drug Administration) has drawn up guidance regarding medicines based on GMOs, in which the following can be read:


Theoretical concerns regarding DNA integration include the risk of tumorigenesis (development of tumors) …In addition, DNA integration may result in chromosomal instability through the induction of chromosomal breaks or rearrangements…..Residual DNA might be a risk to your final product because of oncogenic (development of cancer) and/or infectivity potential. There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration.”


In this guide, it is clarified that DNA integration into the human genome is a known risk of the technology, and that it entails a risk of chromosomal changes and thus a risk of cancer.


Pfizer's vaccines, which have been given to the Danish population, meet these conditions.

A trivialization of this problem by our health minister is unacceptable.

I have therefore requested a number of parliamentary politicians for assistance in asking the questions in Parliament. If they are asked in the FT, the minister must answer.

The following parliamentary politicians have received a personal email, with a request for assistance in getting the QUESTIONS asked , as they either sit on health committees or are health rapporteurs or are otherwise expected to have a special sense of responsibility towards the problem.

Morten Messerschmidt, Inger Støjberg, Tanja Larsson, Marlene Harpsøe, Nanna W. Godtfredsen, Lars Christian Lilleholt, Anders Kronborg, Lise Bertelsen, Stinus Lindgreen, Maria Durhuus, Mette Thiesen, Helene Liliendahl, Per Larsen, Christoffer Aagaard Mehlsen and Monica Rubin, chairman for the Danish Parliament's Epidemiological Committee.

I've gotten pretty much the same auto-reply from all of them:

I read all emails, but do not have time to respond to all inquiries .

However, Per Larsen from the Conservatives writes as follows:

" Unfortunately, we cannot go into this matter. Without vaccines, we would have been in a bad situation, and we therefore do not want to create uncertainty about future vaccines"

In other words. Per Larsen is crossing his fingers that there will not be a wave of deaths and cancers, or that the human genome is changed, with the genetic mRNA vaccines, including the next generation of mRNA vaccines, which we will probably be required to use against bird flu in June.

Per Larsen has given a very unfortunate answer, considering that the mentioned vaccines have never been through genotoxic studies and that the mass production method has never been through regular regulatory control. Should the next mRNA vaccines against bird flu, produced in 100 days, also be given in haste without regulatory control. Something suggests that.

All members of the epidemic committee have received a summary of the entire course of the case. I am still waiting for a reply.

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