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Governments used Covid-19 to violate human rights.

Translated by Jeanne Rungby from:

Many consider covid-19 to be a "Trojan Horse" that allowed human rights and freedoms to be trampled underfoot, dangerous medical procedures to become normalized and an unprecedented transfer of wealth from ordinary people to the super-rich.

There is also deep concern that this was just a trial run and that the impending issuance of the World Health Organization's ("WHO's") "Pandemic Treaty" and the proposed new International Health Regulations will take these tyrannical measures to a whole other level.

The World Council for Health ("WCH") has published a Legal Policy Paper on Preventing the Misuse of Public Health Crises' in response to these concerns.

The document explains how governments used the declaration of an unjust state of emergency as a legal instrument to deny people their basic human rights and freedoms and to grant themselves extraordinary powers.

The critical question that should have been addressed at that time was whether the threat posed by covid-19 constituted a public health crisis that threatened the life of the nation. The Legal Policy Paper presents four criteria to be used to determine whether a state of emergency should be declared. These criteria state that the threat must:

  • be actual or imminent;

  • involve the entire nation;

  • put the continuation of organized community life at risk of extinction; and,

  • be so extraordinary that ordinary measures to protect public health and order are clearly inadequate.

The arguments presented in this paper show that covid-19 never met any of these criteria. Thus, since it did not meet the legal conditions of an emergency that "threatens the life of the nation," all derogation measures such as shutdowns, mask mandates, school and small business closures, travel restrictions, and harmful vaccine mandates were illegal violations of International Human Rights Law ("IHRL").

All states have a legal obligation to adopt public policies that protect, respect and secure fundamental human rights. In addition, there are certain norms and basic human rights that must never be violated, not even under declared states of emergency. Instead, governments around the world in the Covid era chose to follow WHO recommendations, ignore citizens' rights and implement repressive public health measures.

It is also of great concern that human rights organizations failed to hold governments accountable for their abuse of emergency measures.

The authors of the Legal Policy Paper maintain that if everyone had been properly informed of the requirements of IHRL and the prerequisites necessary to declare a legitimate state of emergency, these gross violations of basic human rights would not have been possible.

Therefore, to prevent future public health crises resulting in similar human rights violations, the World Council for Health recommends the following actions:

  • to inform the public about the criteria for declaring a legitimate state of emergency;

  • to establish panels to monitor compliance with IHRL and communicate violations; and,

  • to establish activist groups to initiate necessary proactive legal actions.

Read the entire policy paper at:

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